

Released June 21, 2003

This is our first album. It was recorded in April and May 2003 in our parents living room. Our friend Ernie played drums on a few songs. This is maybe not the easiest thing to listen to, but it still has some good songs on it.


Harry and the Potters are:
Paul DeGeorge (Harry, Year 7)
Joe DeGeorge (Harry, Year 4)

Big thanks to Ernie Kim for drumming on a bunch of songs
Recorded at home during April and May 2003
Artwork by Georg Pedersen
Mastered by Neal Ferrazzani


Harry and the Potters and the Power of Love

released July 4, 2006

Harry and the Potters and the Power of Love, our 3rd full length, was recorded between February and June of 2006, mostly in a house in Cambridge, MA, but also, partially, in our old high school basement, our parent’s living room, and at our old piano teacher’s house. A whole of of awesome people helped out, especially Kevin (recording), Ernie (drums), Brian (bass), Juliette (cello), Jeanie (violin), Dan (mastering) and Georg (artwork). This album is, without a doubt, our best yet. Did we mention this album has strings? And tubular bells? Victory Strikes Again!


Harry and the Potters are Paul and Joe DeGeorge 

Also appearing on the “Power of Love” 
Ernie Kim - drums, gang vox 
Brian Church - bass 
Juliet Nelson - cello on tracks 13 and 14 
Jeanie Lee - violin on tracks 13 and 14 
Kevin Micka - sick guitar shredding on track 1 
Sean McCarthy - guitar feedback 
Catherine DeGeorge - whistling on track 12 
Devin King, Mike Gintz, Farhad Ebrahimi, Steev Mike - gang vocals on track 1 

Recorded at April Fog in Cambridge, MA by Kevin Micka. 
Art by Georg Pedersen.
